My Fav Social Networking Sites!

My Favorite Place on the Internet isn’t A Social Media Site. When thinking about the best place in the digital world, many land on social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram,. My favourite websites and social networks I t's difficult to choose just one favourite website as there are thousands of them which are useful or interesting for many different purposes. Apart from search engines, the websites I use the most are those related to my job and studies.

  1. My Fav Social Networking Sites Online
  2. My Fav Social Networking Sites Free
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With all the different social networks online have you ever thought about what your favorite social networks are? I know that I have my favorite ones

A couple of weeks ago, I read a question on Facebook on one of the groups that I belong to and it really got me thinking

“What are your 4 favorite social networks”

Dell update drivers windows 10. Of course people put in their answers, explaining why they chose those particular networks and the one thing that came out of that discussion was, knowing that different sites have different types of content, different ways of sharing humor and lets face it different audiences is important if you want to get the most out of social networks and to make them work for you in better ways.

Far too often, people do not put thought into any social network they join and things can go horribly wrong

Before telling you what my favorite 4 social networks are, I thought it would be useful to tell you from my observances where people keep going wrong when using social networks. You’re welcome to add to this list or tell me where I am wrong.

My fav social networking sites list

My Fav Social Networking Sites Online

Carol Graham shared a post on Google+ and as you can see its pretty funny. Unfortunately I have also seen people provoke this same kind of reaction in others on the different social networks and I dare say that one of the biggest issues people have using social networks is that they are boring people or even annoying people?

Now I know that people want to be positive and share the world of positive, but this blog post is not aimed to make you feel good, its aimed to helping you understand where you may be going wrong.


There is a truism in the words that Albert Einstein said Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results [tweet this quote]So many times I have watched people who are marketing doing the same actions over and over again and they go.why is no one “buying from me”. Have you ever stopped to consider that when you are doing or saying the same thing over and over again, that no one hears you or after a while they tune you out? Have you ever stopped for a moment and thought about who you are talking to and offering meaningful and useful advise? Have you ever stopped for a moment and realized there is a reason why the word “social” comes before “networks” and showed your human side?

You treat social networks as a Direct Sales “tool”

I was talking to a fellow the other day and he said ( and I am paraphrasing) Whats the point of using social media/social networks, there is no money in it. How many of you have felt exactly the same way – raise your hands. To be honest with you, when I heard him say this, I had no real answer for him, because when you are looking at everything from a the position of an accounting book, nope I guess social media ( which means using differnt social networks) is a waste of time and effort.Now that we have that out of the way, lets get to the facts of using social media. Social media is a brand awareness tool pure and simple! What is the point to using social media?

Social media can act as a way to build leads (lingo: lead generator).

My fav social networking sites list

Social media can show the human side of any business.

Social media is a great way to keep in touch with your customers.

Social media can build awareness of a business and if you think that is not a good investment, then nothing will.

The truth chronicles. If you notice I keep using the word “business” in terms of using social media and if you are a big company or even a medium sized company that has the money to invest in a marketing team etc. then a lot of what I am saying will have you nodding your head in agreement, but for anyone who is an affiliate marketer, network marketer or a small business owner then while you might still nod your head in agreement, it seems to be overwhelming to think of social media in any of these terms or is it?

For the wonderful marketer that you are, learn to think in terms of Listening! regardless of what social network you use, then reading what people say, joining in on the conversations on any of the communities and groups is an awesome way to build your own brand awareness and it will show that you care and you are a real person.not just a sale pitch!

Having a plan. Let me guess, you have been told to just spread you sales message everywhere you go and wow you will be rich…think again! Having a plan to me is setting goals that are realistic such as gaining new followers on different networks, being sure to reach people and have them talk to you ( because you are awesome), creating a strategy of creating good content that will actually help a person.

Whatever your goals are on social networks means being able to judge how well you are doing. I just recently found a tool that I want to share with you It’s called Social Searcher and it will give you some ideas on how well you are doing in your social media campaigns. This is a free social media search engine which will allow you to search for content and provide analytics data and you can even set up email alerts.

Have you ever heard the expression use it or lose it? If you are not using the social networks then what are you expecting? miracles? Sorry folks but to use social networks to their advantage means learning about them, finding the good from them and getting over the mindset of ” I don’t get it or I don’t like it.

Share with others! You have no idea how many people are putting out, sharing and creating really good information and they don’t share it. A simple question to you – Why not? While I understand that people can get in a rut of doing things a certain way, to me when you are not sharing among your favorite networks, you are losing and losing big time. When you create a blog post or when you hear someone talk about something that will help others, then share it for goodness sake, don’t keep it to yourself.!

If you are still wondering at the power of social networks and why you should need to start embracing them in a better way, here is a YouTube video by Erik Qualman. Take a moment and watch and start feeling inspired to start using social media to your best advantage…

My fav social networking sites like

Now.what are my favorite social networks?

1. Twitter
One of the best points I have found for twitter is the fact that I can keep up with the news or trends of what is going on and I have been fortunate to meet very good people from all walks of life. The trick to Twitter is getting involved, creating lists to keep the white noise more manageable.
2. Google Plus
For all the people who love Google plus many more hate it for a lot of different reasons. One of the biggest complaints I hear about Google+ is they they don’t understand it and so they stay away. Now that I have hopefully relayed the “anti-Google plus” thoughts, here is why I like it. I like being able to talk to people who have shared quality content and who will share with me their thoughts and feelings about any given topic. I like the fact that the communities are well run and the value you will get from being involved in the communities in a meaningful way. I like the fact that you can have hangouts which can be put on Youtube which extends your reach and I guess I like being able to be create content, share with others and know that if I do a good job, people will share what I have said or done. Obviously Google plus is “GOOGLE” so knowing that and having the Google authorship means that when I do provide good information on a blog, it will be seen in search. No doubt its a learning curve and there is a lot to it, but to close your mind to using it, is in my opinion a big mistake
3. Adlandpro
Now for any of you who do not know Adlandpro, I am pretty sure you have heard many things including that its just about advertising and marketing. I have to say that in many ways people would be right, but also wrong. Adlandpro was my very first experience in social networking and social media with a friendly crew of people who talked about many things from politics to health issues. I liked what a person said not long ago “Adlandpro is a mixture of classifieds and social networking.” What I am finding is that on Adlandpro with all the different features, its a great way to meet people , its a great for lead generation and its a great way learn the basics of marketing and learning how to be social . There is another great expression that I like – you have to start somewhere and Adlandpro ( at least to me) is one of the best social networks where you can learn what to do and what not to do. Now as some of you know, I am also the blogging administrator for the Adlandpro blogging community and so .and just so you know – that while I have a strong affinity to Adlandpro,I’m am not getting paid to say why I like Adlandpro and I am not an affiliate of Adlandpro – I just like this place and it’s a home away from home.

My fav social networking sites like

4. Facebook
While many people are learning how to use Facebook for marketing, my main reason for being there is to be with my family and friends who are also passionate about social media. I have noticed the most successful reasons for being on Facebook is for lead generation as well as providing people with valuable information and with good calls to action. The worst way to use Facebook is for the traditional “push” marketing and I think the reason for that is because Facebook is more about family and social rather than the traditional marketing “buy me” types of posts. That being said, I have noticed that people using Facebook successfully are being very creative in using images and topics of conversations that will draw people in. You can create lists on Facebook where you can segment your different topics of interest which is a great way to keep in touch with your competition or people that you are wanting to be involved with. I think that it’s safe to say that when it comes to Facebook and business, you need to experiment to see what will work for you, with the key factors of posting regularly and being active in engaging with others.

My Fav Social Networking Sites Free

I could mention that I also like Pinterest and LinkedIn, but basically these are my 4 favorite social networks and why I like them so much

Over to you.what are your 4 favorite social networks?

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